
An exclusive range of composite doors are available in a wide variety of styles; adding an extra layer of protection that suits your design requirements.

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Composite Doors

All Apeer composite doors are police-approved, and the design of the door adds an element of security to your home. To ensure that your door is safe and protected, it is comprised of these four key elements:

  • Anti-bump
  • Anti-drill
  • Anti-pick
  • Anti-snap Kite-marked cylinder lock barrels

Not only do your composite doors improve safety for your home, making you feel protected at all times, but the design also prevents your home from losing energy. A double rebate system has been put in place to add that additional draught protection.

When choosing your Apeer door, there are a selection of designs and finishes to suit your style. The combination of design, energy efficiency and protection, makes the Apeer door a perfect addition to your home.

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